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Here are answers to some common questions about injury law in Florida.



I was in a motorcycle accident where a car turned left in front of me. In Florida, who would be at fault?

Motorcyclists are more vulnerable than other motorists on the road. In many Florida motorcycle accidents, motorcyclists are victims of a driver negligence and/or failure to respect the rights of motorcyclists. (more)


What should I do after I am involved in a car accident?

A car accident can be terrifying, and it often leaves you feeling confused and angry, especially if someone else was at fault. With that in mind, we have outlined a few advisable steps that you should take immediately following a car accident: (more)


What is an out-of-court settlement?

An out-of-court settlement can be defined as a legal agreement that has been negotiated outside of court or without a judge or jury’s input. (more)


When do I need to hire a Florida personal injury lawyer?

When your injuries are severe and the medical bills are mounting and/or you are unable to work because of the accident, you are likely to need the services of a an experienced Florida personal injury attorney. (more)


What determines who was at fault for my accident?

Determining who is at fault for your accident means deciding whose negligence, or carelessness, caused the accident and therefore who if anyone is liable for your injuries and accident expenses. Fault is typically established by looking at the evidence available. (more)


What steps should I take immediately after a serious South Florida traffic accident?

When you are involved in a South Florida traffic accident, you are advised to take certain steps that may be helpful in filing a personal injury claim. (more)


Is there an actual formula for calculating a fair settlement for a South Florida car accident?

Unfortunately there is no actual formula for calculating a fair car accident settlement for a South Florida accident. This is because every accident claim is unique and must take into account the factors specific to the victim and the accident in question. (more)


What benefits are available through a Florida Workers’ Compensation claim?

The benefits available in a Workers’ Compensation claim in Florida fall into 2 main categories: medical bills and wage compensation. (more)


What is Florida’s no fault death benefit?

Under the Florida no fault death benefit law, if a person is killed after being struck by a vehicle, either as a driver or passenger of a motor vehicle, or as a bicyclist or pedestrian, his or her family may be entitled to no fault death benefits up to $5,000. (more)




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